

The coil is the heart of every induction heating machine

The coil is the heart of every induction heating machine. Each inductor is specifically designed to reach the desired hardening pattern of a mechanical component.

SAET EMMEDI can design and manufacture all kind of inductors upon request

Hardening Coils

Hardening Coils

Due to the wide range of element shapes and required hardening profiles, HARDENING COILS can have completely different designs in terms of shapes, sizes, flux concentrators, and embedded components as showers or positioning tools.

Tempering Coils

Tempering inductors are designed to reheat the hardened part by increasing the toughness. Compared to the traditional tempering system, induction tempering can shorten time with temperature control and process traceability in a in-line solution.

Single shot, tunnel, or scanning: tempering inductors can have a wide range of design to cover all the parts shape and requirement.

SAET can design and manufacture all kind of tempering inductors upon request.

Forging Coils

Forging Coils

Induction forging systems ensure a very high efficiency, higher product quality with less scales and scraps, less maintenance and a higher flexibility. 

Forging coils are built with different materials and design according to production type and requests. Partial or continuous heating, steel or brass elements, refractory material or ceramic tubes, modular or specific design. 

SAET can design, build, service and repair all forging coils.

Tube Heating Coils

Tube heating coils are designed for specific applications and enhance the overall processes by increasing flexibility and optimizing energy consumption.

All tube heating inductors are tailor-made according to customers needs and requirements. 

3D Printed Coils

SAET EMMEDI utilizes a 3D printing technology for coils applications, reducing set-up time, guaranteeing higher dimensional accuracy and precision, with higher process reliability. 

3D Printed Coils
See more
3D Printed Coils

Maintenance and Spare parts for Forging

The only use of refractory in an induction system is in the coils. With the benefit of long coil life in a SAET induction system, refractory repairs and relining area greatly minimized. Die life is also extended with the drastic scale reduction.

SAET offers an extensive computerized inventory of factory certified replacement parts for our induction heating and melting equipment to assure quick turn around.

Riparazione induttori

Riparazione induttori

Gli induttori sono il cuore degli impianti di trattamento termico ad induzione.

Quando arrivano usurati o danneggiati, gli esperti professionisti del reparto induttori mettono a servizio dei clienti la loro esperienza e, in tempi rapidi e con grande abilità, utilizzando macchine utensili all'avanguardia e materiali di qualità, forniscono il miglior servizio di riparazione e di miglioramento del design.

Questi sono i passaggi che vengono attentamente eseguiti, per renderli nuovi:


Gli induttori vengono poi spediti a destinazione nelle valigette antishock in modo da garantire un imballaggio sicuro e resistente agli urti.



Per richieste di riparazione induttori contattate:

o i seguenti numeri +39 335 7724846 - +39 335 328863 - +39 346 4792439